Overview of the strict aliasing rules

Understanding aliasing and restriction

We will start our journey by digging an obscure paragraph from the ISO C89 standard (propagated to the following C and C++ standards). This paragraph (6.5 §7) describes what are known as the strict aliasing rules:

An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:

At first, it may seem a bit obscure. What it really means, is that you cannot freely alias (or interleave, overlap) pointers and dereference them. For instance, the following code is illegal:

uint16_t a;
uint8_t bytes = (uint8_t*)&a;
bytes[0] = 1;
bytes[1] = 1;

Accessing parts of a uint16_t from uint8_t does not fall in any strict-aliasing rules mentioned above. This is what is called type punning.

If we list the rules one after the other, here are some of the allowed ways to access our uint16_t:

Okay, so now that we have some knowledge on the subject, there is a direct consequence of the strict aliasing rules:

Two pointers which types does not fall in the strict aliasing rules shall not alias.

This implication is very important for understanding the restrict pointers concept. The compiler will constantly make assumptions about pointer aliasing to try to perform optimizations. The more information are available, the more optimizations will be possible. Thus, the worsts cases are when we are manipulating pointers of aliasable types - char* and unsigned char* being aliasable with everything, they are to be avoided.

Hopefully, ISO C99 introduced the restrict keyword:

An object that is accessed through a restrict-qualified pointer has a special association with that pointer. This association requires that all accesses to that object use, directly or indirectly, the value of that particular pointer. The intended use of the restrict qualifier is to promote optimization, and deleting all instances of the qualifier from all preprocessing translation units composing a conforming program does not change its meaning (i.e., observable behavior).

As a side note, C++ does not (at he time this article was written) supports restrict pointers (since C99 is not part of C++98/03). You can nevertheless use __restrict__ or __restrict on most modern compilers (GCC/MSVC/ICC) without any problem.

A simple example

Let's have a look at a very simple example:

int function( int* a, int* b )
  *a = 1;
  *b = 2;
  return *a;

Two cases are possible here:

Building the code with g++ -S -c aliasing.cpp -fstrict-aliasing -O3 should produce the following output (g++ 4.0.1)

  pushl %ebp           #
  movl  %esp, %ebp     #
  movl  8(%ebp), %eax  # %eax = a
  movl  12(%ebp), %edx # %edx = b
  movl  $1, (%eax)     # *a = 1
  movl  $2, (%edx)     # *b = 2
  movl  (%eax), %eax   # Reload *a in %eax (return register)
  leave                #
  ret                  #

The output clearly illustrates the case 1 mentioned above. Without aliasing information about a and b the compiler cannot produce optimal code.

Now if we are sure that a and b will never alias, we can declare them as restrict:

int function( int* __restrict__ a, int* __restrict__ b )
  *a = 1;
  *b = 2;
  return *a;

Assembly output:

  pushl %ebp           #
  movl  %esp, %ebp     #
  movl  8(%ebp), %eax  # %eax = a
  movl  $1, (%eax)     # *a = 1
  movl  12(%ebp), %eax # %eax = b
  movl  $2, (%eax)     # *b = 2
  movl  $1, %eax       # return 1 in %eax (return register)
  leave                #
  ret                  #

This is what we expected, the compiler was able to remove the useless load of *a from memory.

A more complex example

Let's now consider a more subtle example. You should know that the worst speed efficient operations possible are those involving loads and stores from and to memory. This means that to obtain the best possible results, we should try to follow the Load -> Compute -> Store principle that maximizes prefetching and prevents pipeline stalls.

In the following example, we are looping reading and writing aliasable pointers. Without further restrict information, the compiler will have to perform a load during each loop iteration, this is the worst possible scenario.

void function( int* a, int* b )
  for ( int i=0; i<10; ++i )
    *a += *b;

Assembly output:

  pushl %ebp           # backup stack pointer
  xorl  %edx, %edx     # loop register %edx = 0
  movl  %esp, %ebp     # setup new stack
  pushl %esi           # backup %esi
  movl  8(%ebp), %esi  # %esi = a (from stack)
  movl  12(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx = b (from stack)
  movl  (%esi), %eax   # %eax = *a
loop:                  #
  addl  (%ecx), %eax   # Load *b and add it to %eax
  incl  %edx           # increment loop register %edx
  cmpl  $10, %edx      # comapre %edx to 10
  movl  %eax, (%esi)   # store %eax to *a
  jne   loop           # loop if %edx!=10
  popl  %esi           # restore %esi
  leave                #
  ret                  #

Now if we know a and b won't ever alias, we can try the following code out:

void function( int* __restrict__ a, int* __restrict__ b )
  for ( int i=0; i<10; ++i )
    *a += *b;

Assembly output:

  pushl %ebp              # backup stack pointer
  movl  %esp, %ebp        # setup new stack
  movl  12(%ebp), %eax    # %eax = b
  pushl %edi              # backup %edi
  movl  8(%ebp), %edi     # %edi = a
  pushl %esi              # backup %esi
  xorl  %esi, %esi        # loop register %esi = 0
  movl  (%eax), %eax      # %eax = *b
  movl  (%edi), %ecx      # %ecx = *a
loop:                     #
  incl  %esi              # increment loop register %esi
  leal  (%ecx,%eax), %edx # %edx = %ecx+%eax
  cmpl  $10, %esi         # compare %esi to 10
  movl  %edx, %ecx        # %edx = %ecx
  jne   loop              # loop if %esi!=10
  movl  %edx, (%edi)      # store %edx to *a
  popl  %esi              # restore %esi
  popl  %edi              # restore %edi
  leave                   #
  ret                     #

We were clearly able to extract the store from the loop, following the Load -> Compute -> Store principle.


Strict aliasing rules allows the compiler to perform some optimizations by assuming that some pointers do not alias. However, the programmer has to handle special cases when dealing with aliasable types. This involves tricky specification of restricted and non-restricted pointers. Matrix multiplications are a typical example where left and right hand side pointers will not alias, and agressive restrict pointer optimizations will be very efficient.