Return value optimization

Introductory example

Consider the following C++ code:

struct Foo
    std::cout << "Foo() @" << this << std::endl;
  Foo( const Foo& )
    std::cout << "Foo( const Foo& ) @" << this << std::endl;

Foo function()
  Foo f_function;          // (1)
  return f_function;       // (2)

int main( int, char** )
  Foo f_main = function(); // (3)
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

What would you expect this code snippet to output ?

The answer is:

Foo() @0x11111111
Foo( const Foo& ) @0x22222222
Foo( const Foo& ) @0x33333333

Now if we try to build and run this snippet using g++ test.cpp -o test && ./test The final output is quite disappointing:

Foo() @0x11111111

A look at what just happened

The compiler just optimized away all copy constructor calls. This may seem actually quite weird, since this kind of optimization is:

The C++ standard clearly states that any optimization performed by a compiler should respect the as if rule (§1.9):

An implementation is free to disregard any requirement of this International Standard as long as the result is as if the requirement had been obeyed, as far as can be determined from the observable behavior of the program. For instance, an actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce that its value is not used and that no side effects affecting the observable behavior of the program are produced.

Let's look at the g++ assembly output using g++ -c test.o && otool -tV test.o (otool is the OSX equivalent of objdump):

  pushl %ebp            # 
  movl  %esp,%ebp       # 
  pushl %esi            # 
  subl  $0x24,%esp      # 
  movl  0x08(%ebp),%esi # Address of instance on the stack
  movl  %esi,%eax       # is loaded in eax and pushed on
  movl  %eax,(%esp)     # the stack again (g++ thiscall convention)
  calll 0x00000230      # Symbol stub for Foo()
  movl  %esi,%eax       # 
  addl  $0x24,%esp      # 
  popl  %esi            # 
  leave                 # 
  ret $0x0004           # 

  pushl %ebp             # 
  movl  %esp,%ebp        # 
  subl  $0x28,%esp       # 
  leal  0xf7(%ebp),%eax  # Load address of the Foo 
  movl  %eax,(%esp)      # instance on the stack
  calll function         # Call function()
  subl  $0x04,%esp       # 
  movl  $function,%eax   # 
  leave                  # 
  ret                    # 

I cleaned and commented the output for more clarity. The result is quite obvious: no object copying is involved, everything is done on the exact same Foo instance.

Some explanations

It is now time to give some explanations on what happened here. It is one of the only exceptions to the as if rule know as the return value optimization, or RVO. It allows the compiler, in case a function returns by constructor, to reserve the instance on the stack of the caller, and pass the address to the callee. This is somewhat similar to the following code:

struct Foo
    std::cout << "Foo() @" << this << std::endl;
  Foo( const Foo& )
    std::cout << "Foo( const Foo& ) @" << this << std::endl;

Foo* function(Foo* f_function)
  return f_function;

int main( int, char** )
  Foo f_main;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Side notes

Now this is just a trivial case of RVO. There is a more advanced version of this optimization that can be applied on named value, this is known as the named return value optimization, or NRVO.

Sometimes we really don't want g++ to perform such optimizations, hopefully, we can disallow it with the following parameter: -fno-elide-constructors.

Building the first example of this article with g++ test.cpp -fno-elide-constructors -o test && ./test now returns the expected output:

Foo() @0x11111111
Foo( const Foo& ) @0x22222222
Foo( const Foo& ) @0x33333333

Things to remember

There is one really important thing to remember from all what we have just seen.

A copy constructor shall NOT have any side effect, since RVOs and NRVOs may prevent its call.

Such optimizations are not compiler-specific nor optimization-level-specific, they are granted to be possibly applied by the C++ standard. That is why we should either avoid return-by-value functions, or side-effect copy constructors. That is to be remembered when implementing RAII.